My HostGator Blog

Living Word

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “The Bible is the Living Word of God”.

Well, it wasn’t until I intentionally searched and questioned, later in my adult life, sincerely wanting to search deeper to know the truth about God! Trust is big deal to me so I needed to know what I was sharing with kids in Young Life was truth … not just because my parents said so, or because that’s what I was brought up to believe, or because we went to church every Sunday, or because my dad was a pastor so of course I believed … none of that mattered as much as I needed to find out for myself by going directly to the Source and being real about it!

I had serious questions like … “God, who are You?” … “Are You real?”… “Can I truly trust You?” …

My time with God every morning became a priority, no matter what, with intent to find out whatever I could in attempt to know without a doubt that God is truth. I used several resources (some mentioned in this blog area) always using the Bible as my main go-to focus.

THAT’s when the Bible started to come “alive” for me! I then GOT what it meant to say that the Bible is the “Living and Breathing Word of God”. In that long search for truth, I found it to be true ~ the best description for the Bible, in my experience, is that it came alive for me, and it continues to be life-changing.

In a nutshell, I would say I am now a Jesus-follower choosing to build on and grow in my relationship with our Creator. I no longer am comfortable calling myself “Christian” because that title (in this current environment) now carries a lot more with it, nor would I consider myself to be “religious”, as I have come to find it to be much more about relationship rather than what man puts into place that is typically viewed as religion.

I have found a growing relationship with Jesus to come when intentionally choosing to spend time with God and experiencing God on a daily basis (like we would any relationship that we want to see grow).

Discover God in a deeper way … a good place to start is with First15 by clicking HERE.